One evening in July 2020 Matt and I found ourselves sampling the German hospitality overlooking the collection of bikes that had joined us. As we continued to sample the excellent hospitality and solved all the issues in the world, for some reason we calculated that the value of the bikes in front of the hotel was more than our combined annual salary. Matt then uttered the following words... "Why don't we come over on cheap bikes next year Mart ? Say for around a thousand each.... "
In an effort to remember our mate, the "Dilligaf" riders have therefore decided to undertake 3 challenges in 2022 on bikes with a combined average value of £1000 or less. The only rules being that the bike must have been purchased, with a current MOT, for a price that allows the total of the group to not exceed an average of £1000.
These bikes will be purchased and maintained by the riders, none of whom have won the lottery and only a few have any decent mechanical knowledge...
What can possibly go wrong....?
3 will be undertaken in 2022..
(Dates to be confirmed)
Sign up to hear how these challenges work out...